Howard Gant Consulting
Incorporating financial improvement and recovery, financial modelling, analysis and reporting, risk management, internal audit and assurance, tax and regulatory compliance, commercial and corporate structuring, and all key elements of effective governance.
Extensive experience includes 20 plus years in CFO/FD financial management leadership roles, over 5 years in internal audit with a global corporate, over 3 years in accounting, 2 years in financial governance consulting and 6 years in corporate auditing assurance roles.
Key Competencies and Consulting Areas
Financial Performance, Recovery and Sustainability
- Knowing how your financials are really tracking is critical for staying alive and thriving
- Business managers and owners need to focus on KPI’s that really matter
- Finances should not be an area that delivers nasty surprises
- Timely and accurate accounting and reporting of all business transactions is a cornerstone of business success
My key services that are critical in improving financial performance, recovering a difficult trading situation, and ensuring financial sustainability include:
- Profitability, cost and overhead analysis – to ensure the business is on a sound profitable footing
- Balance sheet review and optimisation, asset validation and realisation, and liabilities assessment, validation and confirmation – to ensure that assets are fairly stated, liabilities are all accounted for, and owners equity is adequate to secure long term viability and solvency
- Financial reporting, dashboards and KPI’s that matter – to ensure that reporting to shareholders and stakeholders includes all critical measures underpinning success and prosperity
- Financial modelling, forecasting and budgeting – provides shareholders and bankers with a sound financial plan everyone can support and believe in
- Funding, liquidity, hedging and cashflow management – is a critical area that ensures bills and salaries can be paid on time
- Structure and resource efficiency and optimisation – helps ensure costs and resources are appropriate and waste is minimised
- Business case preparation and review – helps ensure that project approvals by boards are subject to effective review and validation
Risk Management
- In Jim Collins’ book “How the mighty fall”, he sets out the Five stages of decline. Stage three is “denial of risk and peril”, which emphasises how important managing risk is for long term survival and prosperity
- Risk management need not be complicated to be useful. All it needs is regular thought and consideration, making sure obvious risks are assessed, with appropriate steps taken to address and mitigate the risk
The following are some of the key areas I consider in ensuring an effective risk management framework is in place, and that mitigations are identified and actioned
- Policies, processes and documentation
- Risk identification and assessment (impact and likelihood matrix)
- Risk mitigation
- Risk registers and reporting
- Risk governance and risk and audit committees
- Insurance programme evaluation, documentation and reporting
Internal Audit and Assurance
- IA helps ensure all company activities and priorities consider the safety and wellbeing of the company and its staff
- IA should always be geared to the risks and needs of the company
- IA can be simple, affordable and effective for even the most modest organisations
- IA helps ensure that the staff take good care of the company, its operations and its assets
Following are many of the areas to include in setting up and implementing effective internal audit activities:
- Internal audit setup and resourcing
- Policies processes and documentation
- Charter and mandate
- Internal audit plans and risk assessment
- Audit execution and reporting
- Issue remediation and recommendations
- Investigations and fraud risk assessments
- Internal control assessments
- Audit Committee liaison and reporting
- Effective governance is what happens when
- purpose and strategy are well defined
- the ethical tone and values are clear for all to follow
- risks are well articulated and considered, with appropriate mitigations actioned
- management are held to account
- compliance with laws, regulations, policies and procedures is respected and enforced
- Effective governance protects shareholders’ interests
- Effective governance engages all key stakeholders
- Effective governance helps ensure the organisation’s longevity and success
- Effective governance maintains legitimacy and social license
The following would be included in a review of governance effectiveness:
- Composition of the board and sub-committees (finance, risk, audit, health and safety, remuneration, environment and climate change etc.)
- Board and sub-committees calendar and agenda priorities
- Strategic planning
Finance Coaching and Mentoring
Finance teams and managers – supports personal and team development
Finance for non-finance managers – helps expose finance concepts to non-finance managers and staff
Get Started today
Howard Gant Consulting Limited
Howard Gant – Director
Phone: 021 607 498